Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Best. Day. Ever.

I've named her Rachelle after the nice lady who posted the sale. 

Today did not start off so great.  I chucked.  I lost my cat.  Then, I found my cat.  Then, I went to work and hopped on Baby Center for just a moment and what do I see... 45% off Petunia Pickle Bottom on Zulily.com!!!

Yes, yes my friends.  I have ordered a beautiful wonderful PPB Diaper Bag!  My dreams have become reality!  And it was under $60! 

This has totally made up for the vomitting and cat losing. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

The things you should REALLY avoid during pregnancy:

Forget sky diving and heroin.  These are the things you should REALLY avoid while you're pregnant.  Okay... avoid sky diving and heroin first, then this stuff.

P.S.  I Love You:  This movie was made to make normal women cry.  It will make pregnant you dissolve in to a pile of snot and tears.
The Grocery Store:  Especially when you're hungry.  I spent almost $100 dollars at Target yesterday on laundry soap, fabric softener and things for lunch this week.
Songs about Babies:  Capri by Colbie Caillat.  A Song for Sleeping by Stone Temple Pilots.  Anything your mom says reminds her of you.  All of them have a similar effect as P.S. I Love You.
Babies:  I cannot go near a baby without turning in to a ridiculous crazy lady mess.  "Oh!  So cute!  How old is s/he?  What's his/her name?"
Okay... avoid this stuff, too.

Asking New Moms What They Named Their Babies:  You will be very judgemental of the name they chose or, even worse, it will be the name you were leaning toward.  
Telling Anyone Any Decision You Have Made About Your Baby/Pregnancy:  "You're not finding out the sex?  Oh."  "You don't think you want an epidural?  You'll change your mind."  "You bought short-sleeved onesies?  You do realize your baby is going to be born in February, right?"  Really, don't tell anyone you're pregnant at all.  Or, just lie.  Lie a lot.
Prices of Baby Things:  Just don't look.  You'll be terrified.  The sooner you realize you will never have money for anything you want ever again the better off you will be.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Forgive the anime.

I forgot I was going to add this to my Sept. 17 entry. This song makes me remember.

Sorry I couldn't find a better video than this.

It came and it went...

For weeks, I've been trying to decide what I was going to write on September 17th, the day that my first baby was supposed to be born.  It's obvious that I never posted anything.  I just couldn't put to words how sad I was, how empty I felt.  It was too difficult to explain how I was feeling absolutely terrible and okay at the same time.  All day, and every day since I've gotten pregnant again, I knew that everything was going to work out and that the little pumpkin I have growing up inside of me now is going to be amazing.  I just couldn't put it all to words.

So, there it is.  The day came, I survived.  I went to work, I got to meet a friend's precious little miracle in the NICU (who is doing amazingly well and will someday marry our daughter, by the way), and went home to the husband.  It was supposed to be a special day, but it wasn't. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A list of random items:

1.  I have apparently become physically unable to brush my chompers in the morning without vomitting.  
2.  Some days, my belly button is very shallow.  Other days, it remains its very deep, very weird self. 
3.  My cat loves when I vomit.  Maggie does not.
4.  We really need a new bed.
5.  I desperately want a Petunia Pickle Bottom Diaper bag.  Unfortunatey, the one that I would REALLY love to have is $325.  Thankfully, there is another that I think is beautiful that is only $99.  Saving $226 is enough justification, I think, to buy the other, smaller one that I would like that is only $89.
Red Velvet Society Satchel... MINUS  Wistful Weekender - Daisy... MINUS petunia pickle bottom ??...
6.  I sometimes think that I am most excited to have this baby just so Sarah O'Toole Duggan can take pictures of it. 
7.  I really have no desire to find out if this baby is a boy or a girl before I have it.  Sorry Mom, Cassidy, Allison, Sarah and anyone else who is disappointed.
8.  Often, when I type youtube.com, it comes out youtubel.com.  Don't know why I add the L.  Sometimes, it's youtuble.com.  Just happens.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Take that, Human Dominoes!

Left Feet In!
So, just a few short weeks after my rant about the Human Dominoes, I've gone and broken myself a world record.  Toni, Heather and I brought ourselves down to Fry Fest and Hokey Pokied our way right into the Guinness Book of World Records with 7,831 of our fellow Hawkeyes.  Yeah, we probably could have done something more productive with our time, but it sure was fun!  It was basically amazing, even though they didn't count the fetus as a dancer (though I'm sure she was rockin' it out) and it was a pretty great start to what I am sure will be a great weekend.  Even better?  The Iowa win on Saturday.     :)