Friday, January 28, 2011

Confessions of a Terrible Blogger

Okay, so yeah.  I'm horrible at this.  But really and honestly, not a whole lot has gone on since November.  There was a lull in action from month 6-8 where nothing really happened.  I went to the doctor, I got fatter, I puked some more and that was about it.  There were a few highlights:
  • My baby shower!!  My dear and wonderful friends Becka, Shawnna, Mindy and Allison threw me what had to have been the greatest baby shower ever.  Mindy is basically like Martha Stewart without the prison time and she and the friends made homemade lasagna and all kinds of other delicious treats.  Really and truly, these girls are the greatest and the shower was absolutely beautiful.
  • Christmas!  In non-baby related news, my brilliant and wonderful mother purchased the Daria DVD set for me.  I hope to be half the mother she is some day.
  • People continued to tell me that I didn't even look pregnant.  I guess that's not so much a highlight as a really ridiculous annoyance.  Seriously, people.  Do not tell pregnant ladies that. 
So fast forward to now.  All of the sudden, Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is over and it's 2011:  The Year of the Baby.  People have all of the sudden stopped telling me that I don't look pregnant and have begun telling me that I look tired and ready to have a baby.  Yes and yes.  Both those things are very true.  January highlights:
  • I have officially now had 2 complete strangers ask me when I am due. 
  • Jenny from work and church had her baby.  This was the last "milestone" to get through before it became my turn to have a baby.  My turn now. 
  • I finally paid off my doctor bill.  I hadn't paid it for quite some time... I think it was just difficult to comprehend that I was actually pregnant and that we were actually going to have a baby and need the services of a doctor.  There's really no denying it now. 
  • My belly button has almost popped out.  It's weird.
  • At one appointment, the doctor had a tough time finding the heart beat because the baby was moving around so much and all we could hear was that.  It was amazing. 
I'm now having appointments once a week.  Last week's appointment was not really the most fun that I've ever had in my life.  I don't know how many of you have had the Strep B test done, but I definitely don't recommend it.  He said we might as well do it as I was almost 36 weeks.  Almost??  According to my calendar, I was just over 36 weeks.  Apparently Mr. Doctor Man was not basing the due date off the ultrasound like I have been.  I have decided to stick with the 21st and I'm holding to it.  He then attempted to check my cervix, but apparently he couldn't find it.   It is either a) very shy or b) time to find a new doctor (because he should REALLY know where that is).  That's not the kind of thing you want to lose, and that's DEFINITELY not the kind of thing you want some one to try to find.  Awkward... just awkward.  During this process, though, he found that the baby is very low.  Surprisingly low, in fact.  I like that information very much because, obviously, the baby gets lower and lower until it falls out and I like that it's starting to be low already.  I like it, also, because the doctor has decided to do an ultrasound next week to (hopefully) find my cervix and see what this little guy is doing.  It should be pretty great.

So, that's that.  We're in the home stretch now, and I just can't wait to meet this little pumpkin.  I promise I'll post an update after my ultrasound on Wednesday.  I PROMISE, KELLY!!!  :)

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