Saturday, November 13, 2010

No news is good news?

Yeah, I know.  I haven't written anything on here for quite a while; for a coon's age even.  For a long time I really didn't have anything too big and too crazy to write about.  Baby's doing well; aside from the horrible leg cramps and everything-else-cramps I'm doing well; life has been pretty good lately.   

Then, life turned pretty great these last couple of weeks.  Mike and I have been TERRIFIED (as all first time parents are, I'm sure) about paying for this baby.  I mean really.  They are EXPENSIVE.  No, seriously. Really expensive.  Daycare was looming on the horizon and it made me want to puke a little every time I thought of it.  THEN, randomly, I complained about it on Facebook and (voila!) a friend of mine who I think is great and trust completely offered to watch Baby Ackerman for us for much less than the daycare provider we had decided upon.  Lucky, lucky us. 

But it gets better.  Just a few days after that, I got a wicked awesome promotion at work.  I mean, a really great promotion.  Big time.  With a pretty sweet raise, too.  Lucky, lucky girl.  It just reminds me that God is looking out for us and that this baby really is coming and really is meant to be.  Thank you, thank you God. 

Things are going so well it makes me feel pretty guilty, really.  Life is not going so well for some of my favorite people in the entire world right now.  One of them (who is pretty much the most wonderful lady I know in the world) tried to remind me that sometimes my life isn't all that great and that there is no reason to feel bad for the things that are going my way, but still, I wish that I didn't have to be the only one so very excited right now.  For all of you friends (you know who you are) just know that I am praying for you and I'm here for you, just as you have been for me.  And, when you finally get exactly what you hope for I'll be there to celebrate with you, just like you're celebrating with me right now.


  1. That is very nice of you Debbie, so happy and proud of you :)


  2. Whoah, where did this pic of me come from...and why do I have ghosts on my head!?! Oh well, so random!!!
