Saturday, October 16, 2010


Real Baby!
So yeah... it's been a couple of weeks since I've written anything.  The big news, of course, is the 20 week ultrasound from October 5th.  I guess I don't really know what to say about it.  Seeing the little munchkin actually looking like a baby and squirming around really is an experience too big for words.  Whenever some one asks me about it, I usually tear up and just say it was amazing.  So, just close your eyes and pretend that you can see me almost start crying while I repeat, "It was so amazing.  Seriously.  Amazing."  You've pretty much got it, then. 

In other hugely exciting news (okay, not nearly as exciting but pretty amazing nonetheless) my Petunia Pickle Bottom Bag came!!!  Wooooooooooot!  It has been way more difficult not to bust it out and start using as a purse right now than I should admit.  But oh heavens is it cute.  I have it stashed away in the baby's room right now so I will stop looking at it.  I'm not going to take it out again until after the baby is born.  No more obsessing.  None.  Oh, but it's so pretty...

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