Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dear Lord, grant me patience. Grant it to me right now, please. Amen.

I am not a patient person.  My nails are smudged moments after painting them, commercials irritate me to no end and ...Christmas?  Forget about it.  I cannot tell you the last time the husband and I waited until the 25th to exchange gifts.  Not possible. 

So, I'm sure you can guess how I feel about the situation at hand.  The first time I was pregnant, it seemed as though I wouldn't have to wait.  We officially decided that we wouldn't work to prevent pregnancy the weekend before Christmas and found out the day after New Year's that I was pregnant.  Perfect.  No waiting, no worrying, everything seemed to be going exactly how I wanted it to. 

Well... we know how that turned out.

Then came the waiting.  Waiting to stop crying, waiting to stop feeling like the world had ended.  Waiting to be okay, waiting to be able to try again, waiting for it to happen. 

And now, here I am again.  Fourteen weeks have passed, and I have another twenty-six weeks of, you guessed it... waiting.

I don't want the baby to be here tomorrow by any means, but I'm still impatient.  I wanted to make it to my second trimester.  Done.  Now, I'm waiting to feel the baby move.  Then, it will be my next ultrasound, the third trimester, classes, showers...  so many things to be excited for, so many things to wait for. 

This moment is all that any of has, though.  I need to work on being excited about right now; about sitting here with the dogs and the cat while Mike is at Eric's playing Halo and being by myself.  This is beautiful.  This is a happy time, and I need to remember to be thankful and live what I have and love what I do.  I just wish I would have started that yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. There are so many little things that I wish I had done before I had Averie - I was impatient - people told me that all kinds of things would help kick start labor naturally and I busted by butt walking miles upon miles on that 39th week thinking she would come sooner. It didn't work by the way... they have their own agendas and will come when they're ready..

    But point being - I wish I had spent more time just sitting in a quiet house. More time napping and relaxing. Less time freaking out, panicking and trying to get everything just right for my baby to come home to. In the end, she didn't care that her curtains were hemmed just right, or that her furniture was all put together and matched. Heck in the beginning she didn't care if she even had furniture since she slept in a basinette in my room... It was until after she came that I realized I should have been spending so much more time relaxing. She's almost 1.5 years old, and I'm ALMOST starting to get some alone time, some time whre someone isn't needing or wnating my attention constantly - not that I hate it, cause I don't... but man do I ever miss being able to just sit on the couch with a laptop without someone running over and screaming "ELMO" because they think that's all laptops are for -- playing elmo...

    So long story short, yes you should be excited about right now. It's the perfect time - you have your baby coming as soon as he/she is ready, and you can still get some R&R :)
