Monday, July 12, 2010

What up, 1999?

Moving head-first into the future (if the future is approximately 10 years ago and lame) I have decided to start a blog today. Why? Well, being as self-absorbed as I am, I thought you would all love to read this and know what is going on with me ...and my uterus.

Officially, as of May 20, 2010, I am what the medical experts consider "pregnant". With child. Knocked up.

It is terrifying to say that (type that) out loud. It absolutey is. I had a miscarriage in February, and I can say without hesitation that it was the worst thing that I have ever had to go through. I have never experienced pain so great, never had my heart so thoroughly broken.

Nonetheless... here I am. I can happily say that this time is completely different. How? I have no idea. I just know it is. I feel different: I'm not afraid to tell anyone and everyone (obviously), I just know that this is going to happen and I am ridiculously, terribly, horribly and wonderfully SICK.

I'll spare you the details at this point, but seriously. Sick. And I love every single minute of it.

So why tell everyone now? Because I want to. Because I am so excited I could burst. Because I'm terrfied. Because we need all the prayers we could possibly get. Because I need to gripe. Because I need to cry. Because I need to stand up and shout and tell everyone about the wonderful and horrible things that are happening to me.

And finally, because I just want everyone to know this amazingly awesome kid from the beginning. So, here s/he is, in all of its bean-like 6 weeks gestational glory:

I know, not much, right? But it's pretty darn amazing to me. This was taken on July 1st. I saw and heard its little heart beating, and it was absolutely unreal. Except that this time, I know it is.


  1. have always been one of those friends a no strings attached, super fantastic, always caring, creative, neverending giver of love, bonafied friend. Your amazing...I have always thought that, and think it even more now and am confident that you will be the coolest, hippest, down to earth mom around! I am so very excited for you and Mike....and I couldn't think of two greater people that deserve this! I can't wait to follow your blog and speak my mind....cuz ya know I do, when necessary! :) Congrats and I just said my prayers for you...and as always....Love you guys...Dayna

  2. Thanks, friend Dayna. That is so very sweet of you. I love your face right off.
